How Big is the Important Role of Job Safety Analysis in a Job?

Job Safety Analysis

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Some workers may still think of Job Safety Analysis or JSA as just a plain sheet of paper containing a list of jobs, hazards, and ways of controlling them. Whereas behind that, JSA is an important tool that helps workers to do work safely and efficiently. JSA not only helps prevent workers from work accidents, but also protects work equipment from damage.

Actually, what is JSA? Technically, the definition of JSA is a safety management technique that focuses on hazard identification and hazard control associated with a series of work or tasks to be performed. This JSA focuses on the relationship between workers, tasks or jobs, equipment, and work environment. Ideally, once you are a supervisor who can identify hazards in the work area, you must determine control measures to minimize or even eliminate these risks.

Who is required to create and implement the Job Safety Analysis?

Job Safety Analysis
Job Safety Analysis

Both supervisors and workers, they must work together to implement the JSA. Generally, the supervisor is responsible for creating the JSA, documenting JSA files, training all workers as listed in the JSA, and enforcing safe and efficient work procedures. However, workers are also encouraged to be involved in the development and implementation of JSAs, because they are the ones who know the most about the hazards and how to control and control the hazards in their work area.

Why is the JSA so important?

Implementing occupational safety and health in the company is important to create a safe work environment and reduce the number of work accidents. By establishing systematic work operations, establishing appropriate work procedures, and ensuring that every worker is properly trained, you can help prevent occupational accidents and occupational diseases in the workplace.

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One of the best ways to determine the right work procedure is to conduct a hazard analysis in the work area. Supervisors can use the results of these analyzes to eliminate and prevent hazards in the work area. This may result in a reduction in the number of injuries, less absenteeism, lower compensation costs, and even increased productivity. The JSA is also a very important tool for training new workers to perform the job measures safely.

What kinds of jobs do the Job Safety Analysis require?

Almost all types of work require a Job Safety Analysis. However, there are several factors that need to be considered in determining the work to be analyzed, including:

  • Work that can cause work accidents
  • Work with the potential to cause serious or fatal injury, even for jobs for which there is no previous accident history
  • Work where one minor negligence by a worker can result in a fatal accident or serious injury
  • Every new job or job that has undergone a change in work processes and procedures
  • The work is quite complex and requires written instructions

What are the steps in creating a JSA?

Job Safety Analysis
Job Safety Analysis Steps

1. Detail the steps of the job from start to completion of work

These steps are not only specific to a particular job, but also specific to a particular work area. If the work area changes but the type of work is the same, still the steps of the job need to change too.

2. Identifying hazards and potential work accidents based on predetermined work steps

This is the most important part in creating the Job Safety Analysis. Here are some things you can consider when identifying potential hazards:

  • Previous causes of work accidents
  • Other jobs located near the work areas
  • Regulations or regulations related to the work to be carried out
  • Manufacturer’s instructions for operating work equipment

3. Determine control measures based on the hazards at each work step

Every hazard that has been previously identified requires control and control. These controls and controls describe how you will eliminate hazards in your work area or how you will significantly reduce your risk of injury.

After creating the JSA, supervisors are required to discuss it with the workers involved. The reason is, the function of the JSA as a work accident prevention will not be effective if workers do not know and understand what is explained in the JSA. Before starting a job, make sure the supervisor and team review the contents of the Job Safety Analysis and also make sure that all workers know how to work safely as stated in the JSA.

One thing that is no less important in making a Job Safety Analysis is if the conditions of the work area change or the work area changes, the supervisor or foreman must update the JSA, because the potential hazards in that area may also be different.

That is a little introduction to understanding the Job Safety Analysis, so that you can understand in more detail, the type of work and when and how the JSA was created. Hopefully it can help you to do this and will be of great benefit with this article. Thank you and prioritize occupational health and safety.

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About the Author: Andres Ina Rivai

Good work is always to follow good and precise procedures. Don't forget that safety and health at work are always the top priority

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